After receiving the brief i was confused! Design vs Anti-Design what the heck! I settled down and tried understanding by breaking down what design is and my thoughts on what ant-design must be. After the brainstorming i realised that its going against the fundamentals of design itself and that anti-design is not limited to the rules that have been imposed on design. It is rebellion. It is refusing to conform to the ideals of design. It is the bullet that breaks the barriers of design.
With that understanding we were told to form groups and capture our understanding through a 1 minute movie. As a group we decided to take it to the streets. The streets have been a canvas for rebellion and thought for centuries so why not leave our mark through tagging and placing stickers “YOUR DESIGN HERE”. With that we were opening the streets for anyone to leave their mark.
From the group logo i took the colours and the simplicity in imagery to create a logo that is also simple and crisp enough to be remembered. The visual hints at what the movie is about.